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Orations & Awards

Conditions For Orations :

  1. Only life member and honorary member of the society are eligible for being proposed to deliver any of the above orations.
  2. The member being proposed must have been a member of the Society of at least 5 year standing and be above the age of 40 years.
  3. The period of experience in the Specialty should be of at least 5 years including the training period.
  4. The work proposed to be presented should have preferably been done in India.
  5. The work shall be presented by the member personally at the Conference.
  6. The work should not have been presented earlier in any other conference for the award.
  7. There should be separate nominations for each of these orations.
  8. The suggestions from the proposing member must clearly specify the reasons for recommending the candidature of a particular member for delivering these orations.
  9. No nomination for the oration would be considered within 5 years of the award of any of these orations.
  10. None of the members of the Executive/Credential committee shall be eligible for consideration and would not be a proposed for any candidate for the orations.
  11. The nominations received in the Secretarial would be decided on merit by the Scientific Committee of the Society consisting of the President, Vice-President. Two Immediate past Presidents and the Secretary. Canvassing in any form would disqualify the nomination.
  12. The member selected to deliver any of these orations shall be intimated well in time by the Secretary and the Organizing Secretary giving full details about the schedule of the oration.
  13. If the member so selected to deliver, any of the orations is unable to deliver the oration he/she would inform the Secretary giving full reasons for the same. The Executive Body considering the circumstances may decide to carry over the orations to the next Annual Conference. If the member absents him/herself without giving proper intimation or for any non-cogent reason. The Executive Body may decide to debar such a member for being considered for any of the orations or awards in future depending upon the merit of the case.

Dr. MMS Ahuja Memorial Oration :

To commemorate the memory of Late Dr MMS Ahuja who was one of the founder members of the Endocrine Society of India, and a doyen in the field of Endocrinology and Diabetes in the country, this Annual oration has been introduced. Earlier this oration was the Annual ESI oration, which has been renamed as Dr MMS Ahuja Memorial Oration as approved by the General and Executive Body of the Society during the Annual Conference held at Varanasi in the year 1998. Financial support for this oration has been provided by M/s Hoechst India Ltd. (Now Aventis) through the courtesies of Mr. N. Anand with the efforts of Dr (Brig) MM Gupta a Past President of the Society.

Dr. P N Shah Memorial Oration :

Dr. P N Shah has found member of the Society. He has been a leading instituted researcher. . This oration in his memory was started during the 17th Annual Conference of ESI held at Bombay. M/s USV (India) Ltd. Has sponsored this oration through the kind courtesies of Dr K G Rajendran, a past Vice President of the Society.

Dr. Subhash Mukherjee Memorial Oration :

Dr Subash Mukherjee while working in the Department of Physiology at N. R. S. Medical College. Calcutta is credited to have produced first test tube baby named Durga in the country. However, this raised controversies, which led to the untimely demise of a talented researcher in the field of assisted reproduction. Through the on courtesies of Prof. B Sadhukhan, a senior member of the society and Dr P K Bhattacharjee of M/s Infar Ltd. The corpus money has been provided for the oration.

Awards Details

Anil R Sheth Award (Two Awards) :

With the generous contributions received from friends, well-wishers, his erst while student and colleagues as well as the family of late Dr Anil R Sheth, who was one of the Senior Members of the Society and the past Secretary and Vice-President, two Annual Awards have been instituted since the year 1995. These awards are primarily to encourage participation of younger members of the Endocrine Society of India. One of the awards is given in the field of Clinical Endocrinology and the other in the field of Basic and Comparative Endocrinology.

Eligibility Criteria :

  1. The presenting author must be a member of the Endocrine Society of India
  2. Only members below the age of 40 years with one year standing as a member of the ESI are eligible for the award.
  3. Full paper in triplicate is to be submitted to the Secretary of the Society. One author can submit only one paper for the award.
  4. The paper must be accompanied by an undertaking by the author/authors that the work proposed to be presented has not been presented for award published earlier or is not under consideration for any award and a certificate from the Head of the Institution/Department to the effect that the major part of the work has been done in India by the author himself/herself.
  5. The decision for award in each of the categories shall be done by a panel of judges appointed for the purpose at the Annual Scientific Conference where the work is to be presented.